Monday, June 1, 2009

Dental Crowding or Gapping

Crowding of teeth or gaps between teeth can affect your self confidence. When you smile if you feel self-conscious about the spacing of your teeth, then there are many dental procedures that can help to fix that. Porcelain veneers can not only realign teeth, but can also conceal chips, cracks, and stains. Procelain veneers are extremely thin "shells" that are affixed to the teeth. Dr. McCargar can do complete mouth makeovers or just a few teeth with porcelain veneers. First the teeth are reshaped, then a mold is taken. The mold is given to a local lab to make the veneers, while this is being done, you will be fitted with a temporary set of veneers. During this time you will evaluate how you like the look and feel of the temporary teeth. At the last visit the permanent veneers will get set into place and you will have a completely new smile!

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