Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nail biting can affect your health and your teeth

The pressures of work, the stress of the holidays, the worries about the economy... these days it seems there is definitely a reason to be biting your nails. But, there are also several reasons to break the habit in the New Year.

Research has proven that people who bite their nails are more likely to crack, or chip their front teeth or incisors. The constant pressure of biting down on something can lead to bruxism (unintentional grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw). Bruxism can cause headaches, tooth sensitivity, recessed gums, tooth loss, and unnatural tooth wearing. Jagged sharp fingernails can tear and damage gum tissue. Bacteria, fungus, and viruses can hide underneath the nail and when bitten off be introduced into the body through the mouth causing infection and disease.

A bad habit is difficult to break. Wearing a special mouth guard can help to deter nail biting or try to keep an emery board with you and file your nails instead of biting them. You can purchase bitter-tasting products that you brush onto your nails to prevent the biting. You can also examine the streses in your life that are triggering the nail biting and try to focus on calming techniques to help you change these stressors. Above all, at Scottsdale Dental Arts we want to see you have a happy and healthy new year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do You Have a Cracked Tooth?

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If you are one to grind your teeth while you sleep, or chew on ice, nuts , or hard candy, then you are more likely to experience a cracked tooth. Often the only symptoms that you will experience are similar to a cavity, such as: sensitivy to hot/cold, or pain around the tooth when you chew. The tooth may hurt because the pressure of the biting causes the crack to open exposing the inside of the tooth. Then the nerve inside the tooth emits a pain signal to your brain that something is wrong with your tooth. When you stop biting, the pressure is released and the sharp pain subsides as the crack quickly closes. Dr. McCargar says that often the diagnosis of a cracked tooth is made with the aid of an X-ray, and treatment depends on the severity of the crack.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Creating Custom Smiles

Dr. Jason McCargar is featured in this Fall's Edition of New Beauty. Look for the magazines on newstands now. Below is the article about Dr. McCargar and his dental office called Scottsdale Dental Arts.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Latest Work of Dental Art

At Scottsdale Dental Arts we pride ourselves on our smile makeovers. We just wanted to present to you Victoria's new smile! It is also featured in the November edition of Scottsdale Health Magazine!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What is an inlay?

An inlay is a restoration that fits within the cusps of a tooth. It is made outside of the mouth as opposed to a filling which is made inside the mouth. It may be made of metal or porcelain; in a lab or on a CEREC machine. It is usually cemented or bonded into the tooth. An inlay restores portions of a tooth that might also be fixed with smalgam (silver) or tooth-colored filling material.