Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Battle of Sugar

Bacteria lives in the plaque attached to your teeth. When sugars and carbohydrates are eaten, the first step of digestion begins in the mouth. These items get broken down and produce an acidic substance that can eat away at the enamel on your teeth. This can promote tooth decay and eventually cavities. Unlike sugar xylitol is not broken down by the bacteria in your mouth. Because of this, xylitol can help keep a neutral pH balance in your mouth, which helps protect from tooth decay.

In several studies, scientists have found that people who regularly chew gum containing xylitol after meals and snacks, have a lower occurrence of tooth decay than people who do not chew gum that contains xylitol. By chewing gum that contains xylitol five times daily it can reduce plaque and make it easier to remove plaque when brushing. Look for sugar-free candies and gum that contain xylitol instead for example Trident.

1. Kandelman D, Gagnon G; “A 24 month clinical study of the incidence and progession of dental caries in relation to consumption of chewing-gum containing xylitol in school preventive programs”. 1990, J Dent Res, 69;1771-1775.
2. Mikinen KK, Bennett CA, Hujuel PP, Isokangas KP, Pape HR, et al.; “Xylitol chewing gums and caries rates: a 40 month cohort study”. 1995 J Dent Res, 74:(12), 1904-1913.
3. Mikinen KK, et al; “Stabilization of rampant caries: polyol gums and arrest of dentine caries in two long-term cohort studies in young subjects”. 1995, Int Dent J 45(1):93-107.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Behind the Brush: An Interview with Arizona's Top Dental Hygienist Lynn McKinney

Lynn McKinney has been Making People Smile for more than 20 years. Through her experience and dedication to her patients, Lynn has become Arizona's Top Dental Hygienist, an honor given to her by her patients.

"My teeth have never felt better after my cleaning with Lynn. She took the time to thoroughly do a great job which helps me to achieve optimal oral health," stated Laura, one of the many patients Lynn treats at Scottsdale Dental Arts, the Family and Cosmetic Dental practice of Dr. Jason D. McCargar, DMD.

Stay tuned for more Q & A with Lynn! Submit any questions that you've ever wanted answered about dentistry!

Q: Should I brush first or floss first?
A: "There is no difference as long as each step is done thoroughly."

Q: What compels you as a dental hygienist?
A: "Being able to help people just like you! I have always enjoyed helping both people and animals. After a very brief career at the horse racing farm, I made a career decision to switch to dentistry. As a dental hygienist I am able to treat many different patients on a daily basis. This is the most personally rewarding part of my job. I strive to make a difference in our patient's overall health."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dr. McCargar Makes People Smile!

Check out Dr. McCargar featured in New Beauty Magazine. You can also read about his expertise at the following link: http://www.newbeauty.com/mccargar

Look for Dr. McCargar Featured in Scottsdale Health Magazine!

The actual patient featured above completed Invisalign with Dr. McCargar.

Is Daily Stress Causing More Than Just Headaches?

Temporomandibular disorders can include a large array of headache problems involving not only the temporomandibular joint, but the muscles involved in chewing and related head & neck muscles. The symptoms of temporomandibular disorders range from migraine headaches, ringing of the ears, locking or clicking of the jaw, or pain in the back of the head or neck. Nearly three-fourths of Americans are familiar with one or more of the symptoms of TMJ.

It is popularly abbreviated as TMJ due to the actual name of the joint involved (temporomandibular joint). The TMJ is located on each side of the head directly in front of the ears; it allows for hinge movements or sliding movements of the jaw. However, when people are under stress they tend to clench their jaw or grind their teeth while awake and during sleep. This stressful force causes pressure on the muscles, and surrounding tissues of the jaw. This additional stress can lead to TMJ disorders. Then, simple acts like chewing, talking or yawning can make symptoms worse.

Dr. McCargar urges patients to obtain a thorough assessment before starting any treatment for TMJ. Often decreasing stress or getting fitted for a nightguard can decrease the pain and the headaches. Rest is the best therapy for TMJ treatment. Other therapy options recommended by Dr. McCargar include: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication for up to two weeks (ibuprofen), temporarily eating softer foods, applying heat to the side of the face involved, and stopping harmful chewing and biting habits (nail biting, tooth grinding, gum chewing).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ever think about what all that coffee is doing to your teeth?

Trident has seven new flavors of whitening gum available. According to new proprietary clinical data from Trident, its whitening gum can actually result in stain reduction when used in combination with your daily oral hygiene routine. The clinical trials said that by chewing two pieces of trident white gum four times daily for 4 weeks, you can experience these results too. Trident claims that the gum contains a patented stain-removing ingredient that safely breaks surface level tooth stains caused by food, wine, coffee, tea, and tobacco. Once the patented ingredient breaks up the stain, the mouth's natural saliva safely washes it away. The benefit is not just seen on the teeth that come into contact with the gum, but it also reduces stains on the front teeth which generally have the most cosmetic significance.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Dr Jason McCargar, DMD was recently featured on BeautyInterviews.com. This is a website by Marta Walsh that also includes: Talking Perfume, Talking Makeup and Style Interviews. Be sure to check out Marta's website which has everything from makeup and skncare tips to celebrity beauty secrets. BeautyInterviews.com features many articles with celebrities as well and local people from Scottsdale. Check out the interview at the following link:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chewing gum that is good for your teeth

It is no wonder that 9 out of 10 dentists prefer Trident. The newest gum to hit the shelves in the supermarkets now has cavity-fighting benefits. Look for Trident’s newest product: Xtra Care; it claims to strengthen your teeth with patented Recaldent (calcium casein petone-calcium phosphate). Recaldent is an ingredient derived from protein found in cow’s milk. The way the Recaldent works is by binding to the plaque that is already on your tooth. As you eat food (especially sugary foods), bacteria in the plaque eats too, this bacteria then produces acidic by-products that cause calcium and phosphate to leave the tooth, leaving it susceptible to decay and cavities. But, when Recaldent is in the mouth it attaches to the plaque, and reverses the process by releasing calcium and phosphate back into the tooth to restore it. It actually rebuilds the enamel from the inside out. Studies that have been done by Trident actually show the benefits of the gum up to three hours after the person has stopped chewing it.

The invisible alternative to braces: Invisalign

Invisalign is a safe, effective alternative to braces that allows you the same teeth-straightening procedure without any of the hassle and embarrassment of regular wire braces. Align Technology is the manufacturer of Inivsalign and have treated thousands of happy patients since their beginning in 1997. Invisalign not only helps you to achieve the smile that you’ve always dreamed of, but it often is less expensive and less time consuming. Dr. McCargar is a specialist trained in the use of the Invisalign technology. His goal is to make you smile during the alignment or correction process as well as after it is over.

Upon your first visit as a candidate for Invisalign, several pictures of your teeth and mouth will be taken in addition to a mold of your teeth. These are then sent to the Invisalign manufacturer, where they will turn the data into a 3-D computer image. During the second visit, you will see exactly what your teeth look like and you will be able to compare them to what they will look like after Invisalign. This is a huge benefit to be able to view the step-by-step treatment process and see the final product before treatment even begins. The manufacturer will then, complete a series of custom-made alignment trays (the invisible braces) that are made just for you. These will then be changed every two weeks during the course of treatment.

There are a multitude of advantages that Invisalign has over conventional braces. The first advantage is cost. The national average cost of Invisalign is $5,000, and some treatments can cost as little as $3,500 for less severe cases. The second advantage is that the trays can easily be removed for brushing, flossing, and eating, this in turn, helps to maintain proper oral hygiene (something that is very difficult with conventional braces). Next, there are no annoying wires or metals to rub on gums or lips, so Inivisalign is much more comfortable to wear. It also is safer for teens involved in sports because there is no risk of injury to the mouth.

If you or someone you know is not happy with their smile and is interested in a free consultation for Invisalign, please call our office today. We would be happy to schedule an appointment to meet with you to address your needs.