Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Do you have the smile of Scottsdale?

Do you have the Smile of Scottsdale? At Scottsdale Dental Arts, Dr. McCargar and his staff are providing a free smile makeover. Tell us why you should be chosen to have the smile of Scottsdale in 250 words or less. How would improving your smile improve your life? Entry details and competition rules available at: www.ScottsdaleDentalArts.com

Complete Smile Makeover courtesy of Scottsdale Dental Arts and Kierland Smile Design.

Ask the Dentist about Dry Mouth

How do I treat this dry mouth?

The first step in treating dry mouth is determining the cause. Are you taking any of the following medications? Tricyclics, SSRIs, clonidine, antihistamines, oxybutynin, or any other anticholinergics? If you answered yes, then discuss with the doctor that prescribed the medicine if it is possible for you to stop the medicine, switch to another, or possibly lower the dose. (Please note we do not recommend you stop any medication without your doctor's permission.) If you answered that you do not use the above medications, then do you use caffeine, or tobacco, or drink alcohol? If you answer yes, then start decreasing the amount that you use. If you use tobacco there are solutions for breaking that bad habit. If you still answered no to the above, then other culprits can be poor diabetes control, cancer radiation, or an autoimmune disease called Sjogren's syndrome.

The second step is finding a treatment that helps. Swishing water in the mouth frequently and using a humidifier at night is a great place to start. Sugarless hard candy or gum can also help to stimulate saliva. (Check the ingredients and choose sugar-free candy containing xylitol which studies show may actually help to prevent cavities). These stimulants will only work if your salivary glands are working properly. If they are not working properly, then you will need to use a saliva substitute, such as Biotene Gel, or Mouth Kote.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Treat" your teeth this Halloween

Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build up the stockpile of sweets for the winter. Being one of the most fun times of the year for families, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges.

The American Dental Association, America's premier source of oral health information, has prepared a list of 10 suggestions to help parents maintain good oral health for their children around the Halloween holiday and throughout the year.

1. Consume Halloween candy and other sugary foods with meals.
Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and helps rinse away food particles.

2. Avoid hard candy and other sweets that stay in your mouth for a long time.
Besides how often you snack, the length of time food is in your mouth plays a role in tooth decay. Unless it is a sugar-free product, candies that stay in the mouth for a long period of time subject teeth to prolonged acid attack, increasing the risk for tooth decay.

3. Avoid sticky candies that cling to your teeth.
The stickier candies, like taffy and gummy bears, take longer to get washed away by saliva, increasing the risk for tooth decay.

4. Drink more water.
Consuming optimally fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay. If you choose bottled water, check the label for the fluoride content.

5. Maintain a healthy diet and make sure the meals you eat are nutritious.
Your body is like a complex machine. The foods you choose as fuel and how often you "fill up" affect your general health and that of your teeth and gums.

6. Avoid beverages with added sugar such as soda, sports drinks or flavored waters.
When teeth come in frequent contact with beverages that contain sugar, the risk of tooth decay is increased.

7. Chew gum that has the ADA Seal.
Chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after meals has been shown to reduce tooth decay, because increased saliva flow helps wash out food and neutralize the acid produced by dental plaque bacteria.

8. Brush your teeth twice a day with an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste.
Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush won't do a good job of cleaning your teeth.

9. Clean between teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner.
Decay-causing bacteria still linger between teeth where toothbrush bristles can't reach. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line.

10. Visit an ADA-member dentist for more information on maintaining your oral health. Dr. Jason McCargar is an ADA-member dentist in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dr. Oz's Ultimate Stress Checklist

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